Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Siamese Monster

The Siamese Monster

Drumset: Tama StarClassic Maples
1. 2, 18" X 22" Kick Drums
2. 16" X 20" Kick Drum
3. 5.5" X 14" Melody Master Snare (maple)
4. 5" X 12" Melody Master Snare (steel)
5. Octobans: 343mm, 390mm, 443mm, and 472mm
6. 8" X 8" rack tom
7. 9" X 10" rack tom
8. 10" X 12" rack tom
9. 11" X 13" rack tom
10. 10" X 10" rack tom
11. Octobans: 536mm and 600mm
12. 10.25" LP steel Timbalio
13. 16" X 16" floor tom
14. 6" 14" tymp tom
15. 14" X 20" Gong bass drum
Cymbals: Sabian
A 14" HHX Studio Crash
B 18" HHX Chinese
C 18" HHX Studio Crash
D 18" AA Medium Thin Crash
E 20" HHX Chinese
F 19" Hand Hammered Fierce Crash
G 17" Hand Hammered Thin Crash
H 20" Hand Hammered Chinese
I 16" HHXtreme Crash
J 14" AAX Stage Hats
K 7" Max Splash
L 9" Max Splash
M Medium Max Stax with 7" Radia Bell on top
N 22" Hand Hammered Rock Ride
O 13" HHX Groove Hats
P Low Max Stax
Q 12" Ice Bell
R 11" Max Splash
S High Max Stax
T 8" Max Stax (2 combined to make hats)
U Triple Hi-Hat
Hardware: Tama 1st Chair thrones, Tama Iron Cobra Rolling Glide Pedals and Hi-Hats. Slick Nut Fastener locks on all cymbals.
Sticks: Pro-Mark 420 model with nylon tip (Mike's signature stick).
Heads: Remo Clear Emperors on tops, Diplomats on bottoms. Coated Ambassadors with Black Dot on Snares. Power Stroke3 on Kicks. Pinstripe on 10" Tymp Tom.

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